In following a business on the internet, certainly not in a hurry. We must pay attention to the conditions determined by the business owners who are we to follow. If we do not notice it, it will cause problems in the future. So for that, we must be on guard for things do not happen.
What things must be considered before joining an online business?
To join an online business, then the things that must be considered are as follows:
1. Make sure for every person using an IP address, where IP will be required in any online business that is on the Internet.
2. Do not do SPAM. This includes important in following the online business, if you did SPAM, for example sending emails throughout the refferal link as you know, then if one of you who send reports to the owner, then your account will be in the scorch.
3. Do not act fraudulently, for example using a cheat to make it easier to follow the online business. This sort of thing will make your account banned.
4. Is the active with the business you are taking. Usually the landlord requires you active at least 1 month. If you exceed that, then your account will be disabled by the owner of online business.
Maybe enough to 4 that, if there is additional please comment below. Hopefully helpful!
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Please don't spread the SPAM on this blog!