Promote Your Business with Rotator from EasyHits4U

Traffic Exchange with 160,000+ membersOther Services In addition EasyHits4u Splash Page that I have discussed previously Rotator . This service is very good once you get use to promote, because the first page you can link the link that will be rotated as many as 10. And it's most convenient, for free member was given a free rotator. See Examples of this link To get results, Refersh at least two times.

How do I make it?
For that please follow the following steps:

1. Make sure you are listed in EasyHits4U and at least have to surf as much as 100 times. If not please list here.

2. Click the button Easy Rotator , like the circled image:

3. Click the button Add New Rotator

4. Enter your Rotator title. Then press Add.

5. If you are, now is the time to add links to our rotation. Press Easy Rotator and press Manage.

6. Add Links to your rotation for Free Member, the maximum link that rotated as many as 10 links. Add these links as image:
7. Press the Submit Site and wait 20 seconds for confirmation. If the link you are successful then you can press Confrim. Try the link that you entered does not contain the Frame breaker or pop ups.

8. Done. You now have a rotation. You just promote. For example, Click this link


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